Strengthen the center and the bottom of your body with a simple exercise

Strengthen the center and the bottom of your body with a simple exercise

The first places where you gain weight is usually around your belly. It’s also one of the places where fat is the hardest to lose.

But going to the gym is not the only way to stay fit: there are many bodyweight exercises that you can do at home to lose extra pounds. This is where the inverted board comes in.

As you’ve probably heard, doing planks is a great way to keep your abdomen, back and legs firm. But there are variations of this exercise that you should also incorporate into your fitness routine to get better results.

In addition to the low impact exercise mentioned below, it is important to do aerobics twice a day if possible to have a body in the best shape of your life.

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5 Effective exercises that will develop your glutes, improve your posture and burn fat

5 Effective exercises that will develop your glutes, improve your posture and burn fat

Did your lack of physical activity make you feel a little weak in the glutes? No wonder – the muscles that suffer the most from a sedentary lifestyle are the glutes, which make up the largest and most powerful muscle group in your body.

This muscle group consists of three major muscles: the big one, the middle one, and the little gluteus and they work in concert to extend, abduct and rotate your hips. Just think of how involved they are in all the complex movements you perform, from moving the body in all possible directions to climbing and running.

This makes them incredibly important in terms of physical health, stability and athletic potential. But when you spend too much time sitting, your glutes may lose their power and effectiveness of supporting the spine and stabilizing your pelvis, resulting in an unstable pelvis, decreased leg strength, and poor posture.

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4 exercises to have a flat stomach in just 4 weeks

4 exercises to have a flat stomach in just 4 weeks

Having a nice muscular belly is not that complicated. In addition to following a healthy diet, which has a great importance here, you just need to perform these simple exercises.

Summer is fast approaching. The moment has come to firm up his body to parade on the beaches. The trial swimsuit does not forgive. Here are some tips for getting a wasp waist and a flat stomach in just a few weeks. Ready to take on the challenge?

We are convinced that in one month of regular training, you will be able to obtain excellent results.

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The 21-day morning challenge that can help you reduce fat

The best time to exercise is in the morning. This will wake you up and make you feel fresh all day long. In today’s article, we present a morning program that will help you burn calories faster throughout the day.


In just 3 weeks, the results will be remarkable, the only thing you must do is to respect the program without missing a single day. The big advantage is not having to go to the gym to do these exercises, you can do them simply in the comfort of your home.

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Habits that helped me lose 20 pounds

Habits that helped me lose 20 pounds

It’s been more than 6 years that I decided to take my health in hand and change my lifestyle.
As a result, I managed to lose 20 pounds of fat and keep it lasting.

Here are the seven habits I followed, which made a huge difference on my weight loss journey.

If you want to lose weight, or if you simply want to feel healthier and more energized, I strongly recommend that you introduce some into your routine:

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5 exercises on a chair that reduce belly fat during sitting

5 exercises on a chair that reduce belly fat during sitting

If you belong to the category of people who spend most of their time sitting at work, we offer excellent exercises on a chair that will help you get in shape while sitting.

According to statistics, Westerners have an average of only 4 hours of free time per day and most of them tend to spend their free time in front of the television or to scroll down on Facebook and sit down to do it.

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Slim belly and have a flat stomach without rapidly

un-ventre-plat-We go here and you try to uncover the foods that will help you to slim belly to find a nice flat stomach naturally. Sometimes you just need to choose your food and know some tricks to achieve its objectives. We will dissect some foods that promote a flat stomach with certain nutrients contained therein. These nutrients will help you lose weight fast targeting in particular the abdominal fat. So after reading this section you will have the tools necessary to achieve your goal of weight loss especially at the abdominal strap. Continue reading “Slim belly and have a flat stomach without rapidly”

8 Foods fat-burning to lose weight fast

Manger-apres-le-sport-pour-maigrir54878We present different foods that burn fat quickly and these foods have no negative effects on the health of human and make you lose weight stomach, thighs and hips.
To lose weight naturally and permanently, the only solution is to adopt a new lifestyle. This implies, incorporate into your lifestyle that these two elements are regular exercise and a balanced diet. Continue reading “8 Foods fat-burning to lose weight fast”

Alimentary diet with a week of slimming menus

repas-equilibre_regime_naturel8Daily balance.
No deadlock over a full breakfast.
The sandwiches at lunch: 2 times per week maximum. In the canteen, I opt for a complete meal (meat or fish + vegetables and starches or bread).
I taste to avoid snacking after school or work.
The last night I balance my day. If necessary, I axis on vegetables and proteins, and I remove the bread.

Smart buys.
Prices for fresh fruits and vegetables are exorbitant? I go to the radius of canned! Canned vegetables suffered no energy addition, as compote, I choose without sugar. As for ready meals, I absolutely verifies that the amount of fat does not exceed 5% and the protein / lipid is greater than 1.
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How to lose weight effectively with sport and balanced diet

repas-equilibre_regime_naturel1To lose weight, there are several solutions: the difficult and sometimes dangerous regimes, such products miracles, regular sports activity or a better diet. Depending on your goals, you choose the method that suits you best. For those who opt for the natural method, you will then accompany the sport in a healthy, balanced diet and regular to achieve good results. Indeed, to lose weight naturally and permanently, the only solution is to adopt a new lifestyle. This implies, incorporate into your lifestyle that these two elements are regular exercise and a balanced diet.
Continue reading “How to lose weight effectively with sport and balanced diet”