Fast diet helps lose 10 kilos of weight in a week

regime-rapide-aide-a-perdre-10-kilos-de-poids-en-une-semaineAlways ask how you can lose 10 kilos of weight in a week?

To accommodate my wedding dress? Then comes many occasions when you need to lose weight, such as concerts or wedding ceremonies or even sadness. Generally women at parties look for better wear what they have in order to be the perfect clothes that make them look fantastic, but can be obtained little weight and sweeping two things is shopping for new dress again or follow the following tips that will help with the loss of 10 kg in a week.

And all you have to do in the second option is to adhere to the diet plan and so that when non-compliance plan leads to the emergence of adverse side effects, the simplest example where the poor diet followed during the week, you will see the signs of aging on your face appeared.

Change your lifestyle: Continue reading “Fast diet helps lose 10 kilos of weight in a week”

The gastric band

regime-naturel-anneau-gastrique-perdre-du-poidsFor many obese people, to use a gastric band is a solution that helps to lose weight and get healthier . This is not a trivial procedure, but a way to get results faster than with a diet and workout experience. Although everyone is different, and that the results differ from one person to another, here is some information related to the placement of a gastric band:

  • The principle of this surgery is simple: reduce the size of the stomach so that it is possible to ingest as much food as before ; eat less, thus reducing the number of daily calories, helps to lose weight significantly. When this method is associated with a healthy lifestyle, the results are quick and do not have the negative effects that may have other methods.
  • The most important is to define criteria that will be considered as leading to success: is it simply to lose weight, or is it the fact to maintain that weight loss? Some define success or failure of the intervention based only: the lost weight due to not resume kilos, and keep a good body mass index in the 5 years following surgery.

Knowing what your criteria for success, and be sure they are achievable is a very important step. It must seriously consider when making the decision to use or not placing a gastric band. Continue reading “The gastric band”

Mayo diet

regime-naturel-mayoThe mayo diet is a dietary regime whose objective is the rapid weight loss. This is a very strict, low-calorie diet that bears the name of a US clinic “ Mayo Clinic ” although it has nothing to do with this regime except the name.
It takes a lot of will to follow this diet because you have to limit your calorie intake to 1000 calories a day and no more. Moreover, we must love eggs, because we eat a lot every morning and even the next meal.

Principle Mayo diet:

The mayo diet is a diet to lose weight, which lasts 14 days and no more. The plan is rather simple, easy to follow and very convenient.

Its principle of eating eggs will be 6-7 per day and also drink lots of tea or coffee.

This is a very restrictive diet because the daily ration must not exceed more than 1000 calories per day. Many foods are prohibited as legumes, dairy products, sugars, starches, fats and even fruits.

You can eat as do green vegetables such as salad greens, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini or even cauliflower.

As for meat, it is allowed but limited to 100g per day, against you can eat eggs several times which ensures supply of quality protein.

You can also have fruit like grapefruit base, which is reputed to promote weight loss.

As you can see, the mayo diet is a very strict diet, low-calorie, which remains high in protein. Continue reading “Mayo diet”