Your snacking may indicate a deficiency

Your snacking may indicate a deficiency

Would you be one of those people who couldn’t resist snacking throughout the day?
Not being able to control what is felt to be an overwhelming need to consume certain types of food, often in small quantities, but repeatedly throughout the day, may be perceived as a lack of willpower or a weakness.

According to Dr. David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., snacking should not be viewed as weakness of the will, but rather as a possible deficiency of certain nutrients, or a neurochemical imbalance, in the body. In any case, the will alone cannot overcome these impulses to consume regularly. Only the fact of filling the deficiencies and practicing a method of mental control, make it possible to correct this habit which contributes to an excessive weight.

Research has identified the cause and possible nutrient deficiency, different types of food cravings or cravings. Indeed, some people will be more attracted to certain types of food than others. Depending on the type of food you are looking for snacking, here is the conclusion of this research and the solution:

You mainly snack:

Chocolate :
You may be short of magnesium. Almost 60% of the Western population does not consume the minimum recommended daily dose, which is far below the real needs of the body. Chocolate is rich in magnesium, and this could therefore be the reason for this attraction. Other foods are rich in magnesium and can help you meet your needs more healthily: green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seafood. You can also take a magnesium supplement.

Red meat (burgers and steaks):
Iron deficiency (especially if you are a woman under the age of 50). This deficiency can be caused by insufficient consumption of iron-rich foods, but also (and this is often the case) by poor iron absorption. Iron-rich foods, other than meat: dried fruits, eggs, whole grains. To increase the absorption of iron, consume acidic foods (citrus and tomatoes for example).

Cheese and products:
A lack of essential fatty acids is very common in the Western population. The body lacking these fatty acids, triggers an attraction to other fats, but which are unfortunately inadequate. Eat at least 3 meals a week of fatty fish (salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, etc.). You can also take a fish oil supplement rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Cookies and cakes:
Here we cannot speak of deficiency, but rather of a hormonal imbalance. A hypoglycemic state is often the cause of the attraction of snacking on tasty cookies and cookies. The problem of hypoglycemia is more complex, and we advise you to read our column: Hypoglycemia, sugar sickness.
Consuming a plant such as Garcinia Cambogia, 30 to 60 minutes before meals, can help avoid a spike in sugar levels which then causes a drop in blood sugar and leads to a hypoglycemic state and an irresistible urge to consume a sweet food.

Crisps and other small savory cookies:
The stress of everyday life leads to the overproduction of cortisol, the stress hormone. This hormone which is one of the main responsible for weight gain. Salty foods, like potato chips, slow the production of cortisol. But it is not the healthiest solution. The best remedy for stress and controlling cortisol levels is to practice a method of psychosomatic relaxation. According to a study by the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, a simple short break can reduce cortisol production by more than 25%. Relaxation, for its part, stabilizes and regularizes this production of cortisol to normal.

You could easily lose weight by adopting a method that includes a relaxation technique in his program. This is precisely what the Total Freedom method of the Miracle of Losing Weight while Eating does.

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