Odors to lose weight

Odors to lose weight

Yes odors can be used as therapeutic agents or to act on our mood or our behavior.
Smells send powerful messages to the brain.

Studies led by Alan Hirsch, MD of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago have also shown that the aroma given off by certain fruits promotes weight loss by acting either on the center of satiety or in certain cases by increasing the rate of metabolism. Participants in these studies lost up to 18 lbs in a month.

How does it work?

  • The odor is picked up by the many nerve receptors located in the nose.
  • These receptors send the signal to the olfactory bulb
  • When the olfactory bulb is stimulated, it sends the signal to the center of satiety located in the hypothalamus. This signal may be received as pleasant or unpleasant.
  • Then the hypothalamus sends, in turn, a message to the rest of the body.
  • Depending on the sensation caused by the odor, the hypothalamus will send a signal to the pituitary gland. This will produce hormones that will stimulate hunger or satiety.

To lose weight, Dr. Hirsch advises the smell of the following fruits:

  • Cranberry
  • The prickly pear
  • Pineapple
  • Strawberry (while doing a very light exercise, the metabolism rate will be boosted)

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