What are the 6 best tips for losing weight ?

What are the 6 best tips for losing weight ?

We have listed for you the 6 best tips to lose weight.
Why the best? Because studies have shown that they are effective and for the many testimonials of people who have lost weight by applying them.

They are listed in order of effectiveness. Following 3 of these tips at the same time will increase your chances of success.

Of course there are many other ways to lose weight. There are plenty of them in our weight control section, and the list is growing steadily. Anyone with their own metabolism and characteristics, one method will work better for one person than for another. It’s up to everyone to find their own method (s)!

1- A cup of tea 20 minutes before each meal: According to a study from Nashville’s Vanderbilt University and Tufts University in Boston, consuming 1 cup of green, red or white tea, 20 to 30 minutes before each meal can reduce by 35% appetite and stimulate 5% fat burning metabolism.
The tea also helps to overcome leptin resistance and will dramatically increase the fat excretion metabolism while helping to control appetite. Tea is rich in catechins, polyphenols and flavonoids, all of which are anti-inflammatory elements. The tea, whose effect on weight control is well known, will help restore the role of leptin in your weight control.

2- Maintain your hormonal balance by controlling the GI of food. Hormones play a big role in weight control and fat metabolism. Maintain normal blood levels of insulin and stress hormones, cortisol, adrenaline, etc.
To maintain a hormonal balance favorable to the elimination of fats, it is important to preferably consume foods with a low I.G. (glycemic index), to have a snack between the main meals, composed mainly of complete carbohydrate and rich in fiber.
Eat enough quality protein during main meals, especially in the morning and at noon.
One of the best ways to keep a low GI during a meal is to drink grapefruit or lemon juice (or a glass of water with 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar) at the start of a meal, or to accompany the meal with a salad seasoned with wine vinegar or cider.

3- Control your stress level. One of the most overlooked and yet the most important factors in weight control. The modern world confronts most of us with stressful situations. Stress promotes the production of hormones which have a detrimental effect on the elimination of fat. Knowing how to control stress is vital for successful weight loss. Breathing or relaxation techniques will be a winning asset for losing weight.

4- Flax seeds: Research at the Mayo Clinic has shown that flax seed is one of the richest food sources in omega-3 with anti-inflammatory properties. But flaxseed is also the richest natural food source in lignans, a nutrient that, among other virtues, doubles the rate at which the liver metabolizes and eliminates toxins and fats from the body. Consume 1 to 2 tbsp daily. tablespoon of ground flax seeds.

5- Lower the ambient temperature. When the ambient temperature is lower, you force your body to work to maintain your body temperature and you will burn more fat. Inside, dress lightly. At night, don’t cover yourself up too much. A little cool will force your body to warm you up, and to do so it will have to burn fat. You can also regularly drink a glass of water with ice cubes. This will cause your body to produce heat and burn fat.

6- At night, give yourself sufficient hours of deep sleep. Research has shown that a lack of sleep affects the production of a hormone, leptin, which controls appetite, and it also increases the levels of another hormone which instead increases appetite. The study of more than 1000 people found that reduced sleep time increases weight and body mass proportionately. So to lose weight, give yourself a little extra time for sleep.

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