Tips for Losing Weight Naturally

habitudes-alimentaires-pour-perdre-du-poids2You will discover in this article are 5 tips to lose weight naturally and return to a healthy weight, gain energy, like you, to you and to others, let’s get serious …

1. It is recommended that you do not follow private diet to lose weight:

Although many of these plans do not make you take chemicals There is nevertheless having arrived a moment, it is not the only solution to keep you alive!

You deprive is not the solution to lose weight. Go below your basal metabolic requirement (the minimum number of calories you need to operate your organs) is taking big risks, in addition to that it’s not as if you could buy in the supermarket the body might have lost to be replaced, it is much more complicated than that.

If you do not deprive yourself, what can you do? Simply select your food according to certain criteria.

2. be careful to salt you eat:

He was long advised people with hypertension do not consume too much salt. This is applicable to everyone in fact. It has been proven that excessive salt consumption could lead to heart problems of any kind, an increased risk of stroke, a higher risk of osteoporosis.

Start initially to have less heavy hand and continue to reduce progressively. Most of the foods we eat already contain salt we need for our system (tomatoes, oils, sauces, salami, cheese …)

3. Filter sugary foods:

• Eliminate sodas, cakes packages, they must be wiped forever from your shopping list!

• Lower legs and white rice, prefer packages containing whole wheat.

• Cut back on bread in the day.


4. Reduce your calorie intake to As:

For many of you, counting calories meals is like to gather around a table and holding hands making voodoo incantations for 5 minutes before eating, or something cool for a while, but painful to strength But you can do better! You must set yourself a weekly appointment with your scales, take pictures of you, to see you even if small changes you made in your diet work.

If you are looking to lose weight naturally without targeting the body to perfect measurements with zero subcutaneous fat, well count your calories “by eye” you enough. First remove the dessert of the evening for example and see on.

5. To lose weight the natural have a balanced body:

What matters it is not your weight, a person can be in the category of overweight people due to a Body Mass Index a little high, but in the end be in perfect health. Meanwhile, a person with a very low weight may still hide serious health problems. The determining factor is the amount of fat you have compared to your muscles.

Maintaining muscle mass is something crucial, with multiple benefits, they allow you to burn fat naturally, thanks to a higher metabolism and allow you to be more active, to feel more toned and better about skin.

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