The myths for fat loss

regime-naturel-les-mythes-pour-la-perte-de-graisseWe will talk about the myths for fat loss that are in our opinion too present in people’s heads and that for too many years. We believe it is time to shed light on these myths and we will try to enlighten you to see more clearly.

Eating too little to burn fat:

To burn your fat one of the worst things to do is to make a strict diet so as to eat too little which will result in slowing down your basal metabolism will cause a crash of your body to burn fat. If your diet is really too few calories your body will go into survival mode and it will begin to store everything he can.

Eat rather to slim down, and we’ll never remember enough, take 5-6 small meals a day to maintain your highest metabolism possible, which will also serve to maintain your muscle mass, because the goal is to lose the fat without losing muscle, at least avoiding as much as possible to lose and it therefore requires a diet rich in protein and a good strength training.

Pour brûler plus de graisses faire de longues séances de cardio:

Some practitioners are very long cardio sessions very moderate pace thinking so they burn more fat This is completely false and was shot from a bad scientific interpretation.

The first fuel used by your body to rest is actually fat, but do aerobic exercises too low intensity will not make you lose weight and lose your fat because to lose fat all about calories burned we not see how you could lose your fat with exos so low intensity.

therefore prefer cardio exercises at 75% of your maximum heart rate (heart rate), well you will burn more calories with this type of exercise. To know your maximum heart rate this varies depending on your age simply subtract your age 220. IF you have 20 years therefore it 200 heart rate and you just do a cardio session at 75% of 200 so 150 beats / minute.


HIIT: high intensity interval training:

New scientific studies show that one can even get better results with less work long cardio sessions but instead of working linearly to 75% of CF this is actually working in split HIIT ( high intensity interval training) which may have the effect of triggering the after burn effect that will allow you to keep your body to burn fat and during 36H after making your cardio session.

Suffice to say that this way of working is terrible and it is besides it we make ourselves three times a week. We will soon publish a full article on this drive technology.

Do weight training after losing his fat:

Too many people think it must be expected to have lost the kilos to start weight training. It’s completely stupid to the extent these past sessions to lift loads facilitate the removal of fat and maintain muscle mass.

Also note that a muscular person will have a faster metabolism and therefore the body burn more fat at rest to make it work. A person not muscular at all will be a lot harder to lose weight so you better be muscular in reasonable proportions we speak you not to be like body builders.

So to sum more you want to be slim and toned more please do complement weight training cardio sessions.


No fat so no calories:

As consumers have become increasingly concerned with the consumption of low fat food manufacturers have left us the famous products to 0% fat, the problem is that fat free does not mean without calories.

So is that the products to 0% fat are good for weight loss and well not because they are usually sugar-loaded products therefore consume too much of these products bring your body to consume “empty” calories which generate fat stores for your body.

To summarize without fat do not mean nothing at all so do not eat too much because these products high in sugar will eventually make you fat and get used to read the labels of the products you buy or eat go to outwit the food manufacturers traps.


Remove fat from her diet:

As stated in our article on lipids, do not go make the mistake of thinking that all fats are bad because that would be also a serious mistake on your part.
To burn fat you need every day to eat the right amount of good fats because they are used to transport the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
By removing all the fat you can reduce the levels of these vitamins and you could end up with deficiencies. It is also thanks to the lipids that can delay the onset of hunger because they provide a feeling of satiety and that’s why the poor too fat diets fail almost all.

In summary chapter on fat, so if you want to reduce your body fat keep eating good fats and to an extent of 10 to 20% of your total caloric intake.


Slimming locally:

Once again too many people believe that fat loss in a specific area of the body can be achieved with specific physical exercises too. Example make endless series of abdominauxpour lose fat in the abdomen.

So sorry to disappoint you once again but the local thinning is still a myth for proof that a team of scientists have conducted tests on tennis players who used and therefore were training an arm physical exercises (the is simply playing tennis and hitting the ball with their racquet with one arm). The tests led to the following results, indeed, the stress on the arms in question caused a hypertrophy and thus increase muscle of the arm but the fat percentage has remained the same over the 2 arms.


Supplements for fat loss are slim:

To make it short on this, all health food stores or in supermarkets shelves now boast a host of products that claim to burn fat. We do not know of course all these products but we believe that in a very large part of most of these products are useless, no burn your fat and you will lose your time and money for nothing. It would be too good to be true such non miracle products?

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