Natural diet: not to eat at night to lose weight

Les-fruits-et-les-legumes-ne-nous-aideraient-pas-a-maigrirDo not eat dinner to lose weight fast, is what it really work? Is it not to eat anything to lose weight or simply remove starchy evening as some advocate? How long does it practice this diet? The questions we ask about the night of fasting are many happen because dinner is an idea that comes to mind when trying by all means to lose weight. That’s what we’ll explain in this article.

The answer is yes but it’s a plan that asks to be highly motivated and it is not always easy. It is indeed possible to lose weight fast by fasting the evening if certain conditions are met. The main difficulty that will confront you if you decide to use this method is how to lose weight without hunger. In fact, do not eat for several hours between lunch and breakfast is not given to everyone.

How not to eat at night makes you lose weight: explanations

After a meal, our bodies produce glycogen which is stored mainly in the liver cells and muscles. Glycogen is a kind of fuel (from our intake of carbohydrates and sugar) which our body uses for its operation during the following 8-12 hours.

When glycogen is depleted, the body search other fuel to produce energy and will be used by default in our fat stock in case of emergency. It was at that moment that we begin to lose weight since we use stored fat in our belly, our buttocks, thighs and our other beads for the energy needs of our body.

When we do not eat at night, so there is a period of at least 16 hours of time between lunch and breakfast the next. This means that you give your body enough time to it depletes glycogen sources and nibbles and your fat for you to lose weight.

How long does he not eat dinner to lose weight?

After a week you will already see the positive effects on your balance. You will lose an average of 1-2 kg per week by strictly following this method. That said, it is important to be attentive to his body. Everyone is different and has some arrive not eat it at night and will adapt to this new rhythm to make their lifestyle. Those who have the most difficulty will discontinue this process at the end of a week if hunger is far too apparent.

Do not overeat during the day

To lose weight without eating at night, you have to eat sensibly during the day. The risk with the evening fast is to take revenge on the amount of food to offset your hunger at breakfast and especially at lunch. Indeed, no longer eat dinner diet implies that you will not take more than two meals a day and you can have a tendency to want you goinfrez including lunch anticipating any difficulties that you have to stick it out in the evening. In addition to skipping dinner, you will learn to manage your food portions.

You overeat during the day could make you fat and also cause negative effects on your metabolism and the regulation of your blood sugar.

Not eating at night makes you lose weight if you eat balanced day

Compensate for shortages by doubling ratios and portions at breakfast and lunch is one of the risks of the young in the evening you need to know to avoid. We must also learn to lose weight with a balanced diet during the day and what are the low-calorie and nutritious enough to help you keep all day and all night without hunger.

Skip dinner to lose weight is not a problem as long as you take the necessary nutrients and the amount of calories you need throughout the day.

If you restrict you in the evening but you eat poorly during the day, your efforts will be in vain because you can not resist temptation and you will even magnify the risk rather than lose weight. It is therefore imperative to have a healthy and balanced diet during the morning and afternoon.

In the morning you can take a big bowl of oatmeal with milk and honey and then muesli with yoghurt 0% fat and tea.

For lunch you can take a mixed salad and then a plate of starchy foods with little meat and yogurt.


Do not snack in the evening

Indeed, some people start does not eat at night to lose weight by taking a snack later in the evening which can be a cause of weight gain. A study showed that the internal clock of our body increases our cravings for sweets, starchy and salty foods in the evening, making us prone to eating foods and beverages high in calories. If one day you want to crack and you have hunger in the evening, you have to eat a healthy snack and not disrupt the rhythm of your diet.

To go to bed early

To lose weight by not eating at night, you have to sleep early. More you lie earlier and easier it will be to follow this diet. There are two reasons for this.

The first is that you get up earlier so you limit feeling hungry because you will take your breakfast earlier. Although the number of hours since lunch the day before will be less important if you get up early, so you probably burn a little less fat but you will come more easily to hold over time, so you will manage to lose weight faster.

The second reason is that the more you lie before, and you will avoid the temptation to snack something unhealthy as we have explained previously, mainly in the late evening.

Prioritize breakfast

Not eating at night makes you lose weight because it promotes more breakfast which is considered the most important meal of the day. It optimizes metabolism and losing weight easier. Do not dine accentuate your desire to take a good breakfast that will tell your brain that the day has begun and it’s time to jump start your metabolism. Conversely, if you eat heavily at night, you might not want to take breakfast which could actually slow your metabolism for the day, so you burn less fat and make you lose weight more slowly.

He must not eat every night to lose weight?

Once you have achieved the weight loss you want, you do not necessarily have to not eat at night to lose weight unless you’re well used to it. To stabilize your weight, you have the opportunity to practice the young intermittent night. Gradually, you will pass not to eat it at night not to eat an evening of 2 and an evening of 3 etc etc and still lose weight.

In use, you feel your body and see what works best for you. In general, do not eat an evening 3 is not too difficult to set up and allows well maintain your weight over the long term from the moment you follow the directions specified above. You can also get advice from a health professional.

Do not eat carbohydrates at night to lose weight over the long term

It is important to eat light at night because we spend little at night so there is no excessive load. Starchy foods are not recommended in the evening because there are too stodgy and rather recommended to consume the lunch to make you lose weight while you hold overnight. Once you feel good in your body and you have lost the weight you want, you have to keep the habit of taking a light dinner (soup, salad, some cheese with bread …) to stabilize your weight or simply to continue to lose weight.

Incompatible with night work

Do not eat dinner to lose weight is not the right solution for people who work at night because you have to know to adjust the feed rate to the rhythm of activity. Given the fact that the schedules are shifted, the evening meal serves breakfast for them. They will spend the majority of their energy during the night, so the meal they will take before work should be as nutritious as possible. So it is important not to neglect these differences of rhythm because we know that the “breakfast” in rhythmic sense is the most important meal of the day.

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