Natural detox diet

Natural detox diet

Our Tips for a Successful Detox Diet
Praised by the biggest stars of the moment, the adoption of a detox diet is gaining more and more followers. This diet based on a natural diet is indeed ideal as an anti-stress, but also to find your line or maintain it. However, beware of excess.

What is a detox diet?
The purpose of the detox diet is to purify the body by eliminating toxins that have accumulated there due to poor lifestyle and poor food hygiene. This is done through a diet that favors the association of depurative plants and the consumption of satiating foods, rich in fiber and rich in detoxifying, antioxidant, and draining foods. This type of diet is most often done after a period when the body has been under great stress or you have eaten too much fat.

The main goal of the detox diet is not to lose weight. The ensuing thinning is actually only a side effect. The first goal is to help the body eliminate unwanted elements such as bad fat, but especially toxins produced under stress, from the body.

How to do a detox diet?
The best time to start a detox diet is summer, fall or early spring. It takes an average of 2 or 3 weeks. It will then be necessary to limit the intake of fat, alcohol, tobacco, refined sugars, prepared meals, animal products as well as refined dishes. The detox diet will therefore favor organic foods, fruits and vegetables, aromatic plants, tea and lots of water (at least 1.5 liters / day).

In addition to the draining aspect of the detox diet, think of anything that will cause significant sweating like the hammam or sauna, sudorific herbal teas or the practice of intense physical activity. Lymphatic drainage is also indicated to improve the circulation of the lymph which is responsible for collecting and evacuating cellular waste through the blood system.

Like all quick-impact diets, the detox diet generally takes place in three phases. The first phase, which lasts only a few days, is the shock phase. The body is subjected to shock treatment to accelerate the desired process. Some forms of the diet, at this stage, suggest consuming only fruits, vegetables, herbal teas, and water for several days. Then comes the intermediate phase where starchy foods and dairy are reintroduced into the diet. Then, the final phase which consists in adopting good eating habits by reintegrating proteins and fats into the diet.

For what results?
The detox diet makes it “lighter”. You then find better digestion, so you get rid of constipation and other digestive disorders. In addition, hair and skin regain their tarnished shine under the effect of toxins, but also you become more dynamic at work. However, detractors of the detox diet believe that it would rather weaken the body given the reduction or elimination of the nutrients essential for its functioning. Caution and consultation with a specialist are therefore essential.

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