How slim the thighs and hips?

Comment-maigrir-des-cuisses-et-des-hanchesThe distribution of fat on the lower body (figure) is closely linked to hormonal secretions. To slim localized manner on the lower body, it is essential to make good dietary habits to promote a harmonious distribution of fat on the silhouette.

Take pride to the high fiber foods:

The fibers are essential for a balanced diet. By trapping some of the fats and sugars in the diet, they can lower the blood sugar spike that promotes fat in reserve. This allows parallel rebalance hormonal secretions while helping to harmonize the distribution of body fat reserves.
– Eat salty month: The salt tends to retain water in the tissues and swelling the lower body, while promoting the appearance of orange peel. Be careful if you tend to add more salt each food prefer fresh herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of your food. Remember to eat as often as possible potassium-rich foods, a mineral that has the power to remove the water. You will find in spinach, bananas, potatoes, fish, lentils …

Fill up on protein:

To maintain a firm and shapely figure, it is important to consume daily foods rich in protein, to maintain muscle. The right amount: 1g of protein per kilogram of weight, or about 60g of protein for a person of 60kg. You will find lean protein in fish, white meat, eggs, ham rind and fat, dairy products 0% …

Remember to limit your intake of sugars and manufactured products high in sugar and fat.

Slim thighs and hips targeted exercises
To balance your body and reshape your lower body, it is essential to opt for targeted exercises: squats, lunges, exercises for the glutes … Think also of sports seeking legs st buttocks: cycling, running, brisk walking , fitness, swimming … for visible results, warm up 2 to 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes (time at which the body draws on fat stores). You will soon real improvements to your silhouette.

The exercise of the chair :
Lean against a wall for a minute, knees bent, arms stretched forward, feet slightly apart, flat on the ground. Release and repeat 4-5 times, with relatively short recovery time.
– The special exercise buttocks: Put yourself on all fours on the floor, elbows on the ground. Lift one leg at a right angle, toward the ceiling. Come down slowly. Repeat the movement 15 times per leg, alternating left and right legs, for series 5.

Slim thighs and hips: the right thing
To drive your localized fat, nothing like massage each day with a slimming cream. To reduce cellulite and break down fat cells, try rolling massage technique: take a fold of skin between the thumb, index and middle finger and roll it gently. Extend this movement throughout the treatment area and massage gently. Repeat morning and evening.

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