meilleur-regime-pour-maigrir-naturellement-dissocieIt is possible and easy to lose weight fast without following strict diets that person can not follow easily. You’ll be glad to know that you do not need a dry diet to lose a few kilos.Vous can do in a more healthy and easier too.

One of the best tips to lose weight fast is to regulate your food intake by changing your daily habits: it is the principle of the scheme. Most diets are designed to maximize your calorie intake so that your energy expenses are greater than your energy intake and thus make you lose weight. In simple terms, you eat only what your body needs to provide energy. Below, we present 5 regimes that have helped millions of people successfully losing weight they wanted.
Do you know that strict diets or starvation diets are not at all effective for weight loss. Why? Because they put the body into starvation mode and the metabolism rate drops. And everyone knows that the metabolism is important for rapid weight loss.

Low carbohydrate or low calorie diets do not work for long term weight loss success. Why? Because they deprive your body of essential nutrients. If you do not eat carbohydrates or fat or any group of sufficient food, you will not have a balanced diet required for healthy weight loss.
Such methods do not work long term. So better stay away from them and take a healthy approach to weight loss.

So how to lose weight without dieting? It is easy. You need to follow a proven and effective diet you not deprive your body of essential nutrients. Your daily diet should increase the rate of metabolism and not to deprive all the nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins or even fat in reasonable quantities.

Is there such a plan can help you lose weight fast without strict diet? Yes! This is a weight loss program that many people have tried and loved. People who have been frustrated by the inability to lose weight after so many diets, they succeeded with this program.

This is a 11 day program and you can repeat the 11-day cycle as many times as you want until you have lost excess weight. So you can hopefully begin to see results within 11 days!

This weight loss plan does not require you to starve or eat less food types, like other diet programs. In fact, you have to eat 4 meals a day in the 11-day program. You can choose a variety of foods to suit your taste. Therefore, it is an easy to follow program to lose weight without dieting like crazy.

Vegetables are an excellent choice for weight loss. They are full of nutrients, low in calories and high in fiber. They allow you to satisfy your appetite and feel full so to avoid frequent and unnecessary snacking. Among the variety of vegetables that exists, it is not always easy to choose those who will have the most virtue to help you lose weight. We must therefore look for vegetables that contain a maximum of phytochemicals that stimulate metabolism, break down fat, combat cellulite and act as anti-oxidants to fight against stress. This includes in particular:

the cabbage
white beans
bean sprouts


MUFA stands for monounsaturated fatty acids. They are considered healthy fats and they are very effective in losing belly fat. They also help you to feel full. Foods rich in MUFA are easy to integrate in a menu. They come from plants such as:

the olives
sunflower seeds
the almonds
linseed oils
dark chocolate

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