Ginger, cucumber and mint lemonade for a flat stomach

Ginger, cucumber and mint lemonade for a flat stomach

Having a flat stomach is the desire of many people. A little overweight is not always due to the accumulation of fat stored in the belly. Most of the time, it is also due to normal abdominal swelling, this water retention which gives us the unpleasant impression that “we have put on weight”. With this simple drink, made from ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber, you can reduce these bad effects easily. We will explain to you.

Lemon, mint, ginger and cucumber for a flat stomach

Sometimes we notice that our abdomen swells and we lose our muscle tone. We can also feel that our belly is becoming more flaccid. You may be thin, this bead is still present and you do not know what to do to make your belly appear flatter. It should also be taken into account that this type of fat accumulated in this area is normal in women. These are fatty deposits, sometimes very resistant, which leave very difficult even when playing sports.

This has certainly happened to you already: seeing your belly smooth in the morning and getting bigger and bigger during the day, or even bouncing back after meals. How does this happen? This is not only due to sedentary lifestyle, but also to our diet which has a great influence on our figure. Certain foods promote swelling, such as soft drinks. Salad or pulses can also generate that little round belly.

The lemonade that we present to you here can help you on a daily basis not only to deflate your belly but also to lose weight in this critical area. We will explain why.

-1- Lemon

This acidic fruit contains ascorbic acid, which promotes good digestion. It helps food to break down more easily and nutrients to be absorbed properly. In addition, its pepsin composition allows us to better benefit from proteins by burning fat. That is, the acidity of the lemon makes our digestion easier, offers a feeling of satiety, avoids gas and burns fat. It is an effective metabolic stimulant in any diet.

-2- Ginger

Losing weight with ginger? Yes it’s possible. It is a very good anti-inflammatory and is made up of a wonderful ingredient called gingerol. This compound activates the functioning of the intestines and the stomach by helping digestion, healing, avoiding gas, de-igniting and promoting the elimination of fat. If we add it to other foods presented here, we will get a more than ideal remedy for getting a flat stomach.

-3- Mint

Few natural herbs have as many digestion benefits as mint. It eliminates gases, it prevents stomach acid, it helps us absorb nutrients, it is anti-inflammatory, it relaxes and relieves nausea. It is simply excellent, whether as an infusion or as a complement to our dishes and desserts.

-4- Cucumber

Sweet, light, good digestive, cucumber is also a good detoxifier. It is common for example to use it to reduce our dark circles, to nourish the skin … You can therefore imagine the great services it can offer to your body. We also need to tell you that cucumber is an effective diuretic, helping to eliminate fluids and treating infections like cystitis and nephritis, diseases that can also cause our stomachs to swell. Do not hesitate, it is an excellent natural ally.

What do I need to make this lemonade?

2 liters of water
1 lemon
1 medium cucumber
2 spoonfuls of grated ginger
10 mint leaves
How to prepare it?

It is very simple. The first thing you will do is infuse mint. Put ten mint leaves to boil in a cup of water. Let it boil and let sit for five minutes. When finished, reserve it.

Then you have to recover the lemon juice. Squeeze it first, then grate three pieces of bark to later put this zest in the lemonade.
The third step is to peel the cucumber and mix it. Once made, mix it with lemon juice and mint infusion.

What to do next ? Take a liter of natural water and pour it into the glass containing the mint infusion, lemon juice and cucumber juice. Mix everything together and add two spoonfuls of grated ginger, three pieces of lemon zest and, if desired, an extra mint leaf.

Let this lemonade sit for two hours in the refrigerator. Some prefer to leave it overnight, that is, prepare it the night before, but the active ingredients in lemon will be more active the same day.

How should we drink this ginger, mint and cucumber lemonade?

This two liter lemonade and is an excellent tonic to take throughout the day. The key moments will be after each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). But the ideal is to drink it all day.

This lemonade is delicious fresh and if we include it in an adequate diet, low in fat, and with exercises, we will gradually succeed in getting that flat stomach. Try the experience.

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