Avocado pits; A super food for super health

Avocado pits; A super food for super health

Avocado is considered a superfood, the one that can provide your body with the healthiest nutrients, but very few people know that avocado kernel is rich in nutrients, more so than flesh or skin. It also has the most soluble fibers in the world. One avocado pit contains the entire daily dose of fiber our bodies need. It contains more antioxidants than avocado itself and other fruits and vegetables. But that’s not all.

The benefits of avocado pit

  • An amazing fact is that avocado flesh and skin contain only 30% of antioxidants, while 70% is found in the nucleus alone. Antioxidants help prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol and prevent different kinds of diseases.
  • You can relieve the swelling of the digestive tract and you can reduce inflammatory diseases in the body.
  • You can even prevent or relieve constipation and help relieve diarrhea because it is rich in fiber.
  • The antioxidant known as the phenolic compound in the nucleus is known to help relieve the pain of gastric ulcers due to its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Do you need other reasons and facts why you should eat avocado kernels? Here are a few:

  • The nucleus contains a very important antioxidant that can help fight cancer: flavonols. People with cancer are advised to eat foods rich in flavonols, so the avocado kernel is perfect for them.
  • Another good reason to include avocado pits in your diet is if you have a weak immune system and have frequent colds during the flu season. The core can help you strengthen it.
  • Free radicals are the main reason why people get sick, get cancer and age a little too quickly. If you want to avoid all of this, the avocado pit can help you fight free radicals. It can help you achieve a youthful appearance because it has the ability to rebuild collagen under the skin.
  • And it doesn’t stop there! Consuming the kernel can help you feel energized by reducing aches, painful sensations in the joints and bone diseases; it can help you lose weight and reduce blood glucose levels; it can help with exercise-induced asthma; it can even make you feel full and reduce cravings.

How to extract the avocado kernel

Take a knife and open the avocado in half vertically. It should open easily if it is ripe. Take out the core. Then you can do two things. The first is to put it in a plastic bag and mash it with a hammer and then put it in a blender with other ingredients such as bananas, spinach or other dark green vegetables, dates, etc. , in order to make a smoothie. Or if you have a more powerful blender you can put it with the rest of the ingredients without crushing it. Be sure to add a little water. Drink your avocado kernel smoothie and enjoy a healthier life.

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