5 easy-to-stop habits to reduce belly size in an instant

5 easy-to-stop habits to reduce belly size in an instant

Every inch counts for the size of the belly and there are simple habits that you can eliminate to find a flat stomach.
The stomach gain may be due to an excess of air trapped in the digestive tract, an excess of drink or that favorite steak that your grandmother continues to serve you. Whatever the cause, shrinking your belly or at least not feeling bloated can offer you many benefits.

Eat too fast
We are all busy, we run to different destinations, and assume our regular activities under pressure. However, there are things you should always do in moderation, such as eating.

Eating too fast makes you swallow air which produces gas and increases the size of your belly. It’s not a myth. You feel bloated when you have eaten too fast. It also slows digestion. Stephanie Middleberg, New York nutritionist from Middleberg Nutrition, explains the reasons behind this. When you eat in a hurry, you don’t chew thoroughly, and larger pieces of food remain in your gut during the digestion process. The digestive enzymes could not perform their functions properly. In addition, your body did not have time to feel the amount ingested, and in the end, you put more food in your body than it needed to.

The solution?
Eat slowly and take your time.

Soda addiction
It’s sweet, refreshing, and it completes your life. But those little bubbles that make you sparkle can swell your stomach, according to Middleberg. And if you think light sodas may be different because they have artificial sweeteners, you are wrong. Light sodas are even worse. Artificial sweeteners cannot be digested and they make your stomach swell, in addition to acidifying your body.

The solution?
Stop drinking sodas and prefer freshly made juices and smoothies, purified water, lemon water, and flavored water.

You like packaged food
Sodium, when taken in excess, is bad for your health and your belly. Packaged foods contain a lot. It is one of the main preservatives of prepared foods, and it also serves to induce addiction to these foods. This includes your favorite chips. Foods disguised as healthy options like cereals, soups and salad dressings can also contain large amounts of salt.

Janet Brill, nutritionist from the Philadelphia area and author of Blood Pressure Down (Reducing High Blood Pressure) would like to inform you that “it’s a safe bet that almost everything that is packed contains a lot more salt than you would ‘imagine, and it is unlikely that you will even feel the taste’.

The solution?
Cut down on processed foods and go natural. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds naturally have little or no salt.

Eat before going to bed
When do you have your dinner? If you do like a lot of people, you take it just an hour or two before you go to bed. In this case, there is a good chance that you will wake up with a swollen belly.

Allissa Rumsey, dietician and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, says that when you are lying down, your body processes food more slowly. This makes sense since sleep takes less energy than waking activities. Digestion also requires energy, and sleep is less restorative if you force your body to mobilize for this task.

The solution?
Eat at least 3 or 4 hours before going to bed, or eat only light foods like fruit or nuts if you have no choice. You can eat more in the morning. The important thing is to allow the body a sufficient period of "fasting" between these two meals to respect the physiological rhythms of your body.

It's just a little food allergy
Food allergies should not be taken lightly. If you think you're safe, then consider the following. Certain allergies and sensitivities are linked to bloating and swelling of the belly. People who have a wheat allergy usually cannot digest gluten and will experience digestive problems, including bloating and stomach swelling. The same thing happens to people who are lactose intolerant.

The solution?
Consult your doctor and request a test for food allergies and sensitivities. When you have found out what allergy it is, avoid these foods at all costs.

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