14 foods that help detoxify and cleanse your entire body

14 foods that help detoxify and cleanse your entire body

Every day, you swallow piles of viruses, parasites and many other harmful substances that come from wastes from your own body, but also chemicals that are swallowed by the air you breathe, the food you eat, products that you use … But although the body is armed with multiple filtering organs, they sometimes prove powerless against the severe test due to the accumulation of all kinds of toxins. Fortunately, there are foods that can help the kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs or even the skin to spray these microscopic animals. By consuming these 14 foods on a regular basis, you can easily clean your blood.

Anti bloating, anti cancer, slimming … Overview of 14 foods rich in antioxidants and their incredible detox benefits.

Anti-water retention banana

Banana is a fantastic source of potassium that helps regulate the level of fluids in the body. This stimulating effect helps eliminate urine and sweat that contain toxins and reduces the risk of water retention. Clearly, you will deflate!

The apple eliminates heavy metals and satiety

For a guaranteed detox effect, choose organic apples without pesticides. It is the apple pectin that interests us mainly as part of our detox goal. This soluble fiber helps the body eliminate heavy metals and food additives and causes a feeling of satiety to avoid wanting to eat other nonsense afterwards.

Avocado, an ally against bulges

A fatty food that helps to lose weight is possible with the lawyer … provided you do not eat it with mayonnaise of course! This fruit contains glutathione, an antiradical agent that transforms toxins stored in fat into water soluble toxins. This promotes their elimination and reduces the risk of storage … therefore beads.

Artichoke stimulates the intestines

How toxins arrive in our intestines? By the bile! However, recent studies have shown that the amount of bile increases more than 100% in less than 30 minutes after the consumption of an artichoke. As a result, the elimination of toxins by the digestive system is largely stimulated. Most of us eat his heart and his flower. In fact, to optimize our detox cure, we also recommend eating its leaves as juice.

Beetroot to cleanse his liver

Methionine and betanin. Behind these two scholarly words are powerful antioxidants in beet that help the liver eliminate fatty acids.

Watercress, an anti cancer food

Those who consume watercress daily (one salad per day) have been shown to excrete a much higher rate of carcinogens. Scientific proof that proves the antioxidant effects of this cruciferous. To adopt as often as possible in its diet.

Crushed garlic to better eliminate

Garlic contains allicin, a molecule that sticks to toxins and stimulates the intestines to promote their elimination. But beware: allicin will only be released if the garlic is crushed before. Adding some to his dishes must become a habit. This food is an incredible antivirus, antiseptic and antibiotic.

The prune stimulates the transit

Tartaric acid, isatin diphenyl and sorbitol. Here are three natural laxatives that are contained in the prune. Thanks to this fruit, the transit is stimulated and the elimination of the toxins too.

Algae absorb toxins

Algae are powerful antioxidant foods that help alkalize the blood and strengthen the digestive system. The algin that is found in algae absorbs toxins. In addition, of all foods, sea vegetables are those that offer the greatest variety of minerals, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean.

Dandelion detoxifies and drains toxins

Dandelion is known for its diuretic and draining properties by activating the elimination organs. It is recommended to drain the acidity of the body and to activate the kidneys, the liver and the gallbladder. It is a spring plant, so depuration, regeneration, to also consume in cure after periods of food overload, bad stress or excess.

Broccoli sprouts rich in sulforaphane

Broccoli contains important phytochemicals that are released when they are cut, chewed, fermented, or digested. The substances are released and then break down into sulforaphanes, which have a specific effect on detoxification. Broccoli sprouts can actually provide more benefits than regular broccoli because they contain 20 times more sulforaphane. Add them to your salads and be creative with them in your meals.

Flax seeds for better elimination

With flaxseed, you make sure that your toxins are eliminated properly. Ground flaxseed is an excellent source of fiber and omega-3. Try to consume two tablespoons of flaxseed in lemon water each morning.

The lemon alkalizes and stimulates the lymph

Who does not like lemon? This wonderful fruit stimulates the release of enzymes and helps to convert toxins into soluble water that can be easily removed by the body. The lemon water, which is alkalizing, will benefit you if you consume it at breakfast. This will help balance the acidity of the foods you have consumed. Do not forget to add ground flaxseed to help eliminate toxins.

Turmeric detoxifies the liver and promotes digestion

Curcumin turmeric has remarkable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it is a source of many health benefits. Curcumin stimulates the production of bile by the gall bladder. But the liver uses bile to eliminate toxins and metabolize fat. The consumption of turmeric can consist of a real detox cure to clean the liver. It is for this reason that turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat indigestion and liver disorders.

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