Tips and tricks to lose weight and lose weight easily

le-regime-naturel-DASH-meilleur-perdre-du-poids7To lose weight effortlessly, simply combine a few hints, tips and advice. These can be used alone to lose some extra kilos, but also, as part of a diet in order to live better. natural appetite suppressant, fat-burning, etc., discover all that you will lose weight effortlessly.

1. Eat an apple 20 minutes before each meal

The apple is a natural appetite suppressant. Eat an apple 20 minutes before your meal will greatly reduce your appetite.

2. Eating in a dessert plate

If you reduce your portions, the fact of seeing your small part in the middle of a large plate can discourage you. So take a smaller plate and fill it. You will eat and smaller portions while seeing a very full plate, which is good for morale.

3. Eat slowly to eat less

Between when you are satisfied and when your brain registers this information, it takes 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore, if you eat quickly, you will eat more than necessary. The ideal is to take 25 to 30 minutes to eat your meal.

4. « It takes breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper »

In everyday life, we are small, lightweight and fast lunch, lunch more or less normally and we eat a lot at night. Will have to change these habits.

Breakfast is indispensable. If you do not eat breakfast, you grignoterez all morning and will not be able to wait for lunch (see point 7). For lunch, eat normally and evening, dine light (night, the body stores fat). It lacks, however, in saying this, taste that is not restricted to children . Exit the Choco BN, go for dried fruit, apples, bananas, etc., so you will come to dinner without excess.

5. Drink a large glass of water 20 minutes before a meal or appetizer

Tout comme la pomme, Water is a natural appetite suppressant . This trick will prevent overeating. Discreet, the Tip of the glass of water can be used during dinner at the restaurant or to avoid throwing on the cake appetizer with friends.

6. Shoot everything you eat for a week

This trick will give you a clear idea of what you eat … and you will be surprised; Often it seems to pay attention and we forget all the little extras: chocolate bars, soda, cheese, chocolate eclair, etc.)

7. Have breakfast

Often overlooked, breakfast is the most important meal. It is essential to avoid snacking during the morning.

It is generally much too sweet, while it may be as well salty. Indeed, for a long time, the breakfast was salty, it only became sweeter than under the influence of the sugar industry. A little sweet and savory breakfast is ideal to wedge all morning without giving in to temptation. Green tea or coffee, dried fruits (almonds, dates, dried apricots, etc.), oatmeal, a poached egg or boiled, turkey breast will be your friends for breakfast.

8. Drink green tea

Green tea has been known for a long time to destocking fat and promote thus the weight loss. However, like coffee, it will not be abused because it causes insomnia and nervousness.regime-naturel-the-vert

9. Wait 15 to 20 minutes before using again

As seen in 3, 15 to 20 minutes is the time required for our brain to get the signal of satiety. Maybe you will have more hunger, but your brain has not yet record information . Wait and you will know if you are really hungry.

10. Overdo the spices (turmeric, paprika, pepper, cinnamon, etc.)

In your meal, use less fat (oil, butter), sugar and salt in favor of spice fat burning and calorie such as paprika, turmeric, chilli, pepper, ginger, cinnamon , etc. Better, in fact, eat a spicy chicken white turmeric and curry with a squeeze of lemon and spoon fresh light cream These spices, slimming strengths of Indian and Asian cultures , will your much tastier meal (which is lacking in many dietary meals).regime-naturel-proteines-et-perte-de-poids

11. Drink water regularly throughout the day

Prepare a bottle of 1.5 liter of water in the morning and drink it regularly throughout the day. This greatly reduce snacking.

12. Eating soup before meal

The soups suppress appetite and you will eat smaller portions . Flee soups too rich trade in milk, cheese, butter, potatoes and salt and prepare your soup yourself. Above all, do not eat a soup, otherwise hunger may assail you a few hours and you will not resist the urge to snack.

13. Stop eating when you’re full

Contrary to what we reiterated you since your childhood, you do not have to clean your plate (Tupperware boxes are there to preserve food without making a mess). If you start eating more slowly, to find food less appetizing than before the meal, as attention turns from food (TV, discussions, etc.) then it is that you no longer hunger, Learn to be attentive to these signals.

14. Drink herbal teas draining

Sometimes it is not a weight problem but water retention (legs, ankles, fingers, stomach and / or puffy face). This may be an occasional problem in periods of pregnancy or menstruation, or even continuous. Draining herbal teas are then your allies. Prepare a thermo with draining teas (dandelion, cherry stalk, couch grass, nettle, meadowsweet, etc.) you drink throughout the day. You will soon feel much less swollen.

15. Install an iPhone application that counts calories

Many women have trouble estimating calories they need and those they consume. A woman needs 1800 to 2500 calories per day depending on size, weight and physical activity engaged. Check the number of calories you need the calorie calculator. Then enter on an iPhone application dedicated to counting calories all the food you eat, this will give you a very clear idea of work to do.complement-alimentaire-pour-regime-naturel1

16. Physical activity without seeming

This board is mainly for those who do not have the desire or the time to practice a sport. Physical activity is essential, so follow these tips to make it without seeming to:

  • No car to find her wand around the corner
  • prefer the stairs to the elevator (unless you live on top of a 20-storey tower)
  • down one to two bus or subway stations before your stop
  • Enjoy Sunday to walk in a park or in a forest
  • Adopt a chihuahua to do the walking twice daily

You will find plenty of other opportunities in your daily to do some exercises.

17. The smell of vanilla or cinnamon

vanilla and cinnamon odors are deemed to suppress appetite. Nothing costs to add some scented candles or a magic tree in your car.

18. Do not starve

Sounds paradoxical air, but to lose weight, you must eat, If you starve suddenly, once you resume a normal diet, your body will store fat to face the next famine, resulting in weight regain.

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