The key to success for losing your belly

les-cles-de-la-reussite-pour-perdre-ventreKey to success: above all, do not get discouraged, even if it seems that you do not recover quickly enough the beautiful shape of your belly. Remember that the more kilos and fat is lost slowly, less likely they are to return. Soyer patient and diligent.

To avoid bloating, do not irritate the colon. It is he, the general manager.

Choose an easiest diet and healthy as possible by removing “squarely” the ready meals trade. Remember, too much sugar and too much fat.
* Eat in peace, chewing properly without reading the newspaper or watching television.

* Put aside the “light” products , they are sometimes rich in polyols that cause bloating.

* Stop chewing gum all day to stave off hunger.

Do not drink during meals , avoid doing it in the half-hour before and during the two hours following.

Stay quiet 10 minutes after the meal to initiate good digestion.


 Fuyez les repas trop copieux le soir.    

*  Oust salt in all its forms , table salt, cooked dishes, cold meats, smoked fish.

Monitor with great attention baking . Hunt for cooked fats.

And more fatty, salty and sugary , forget fermented cheeses, whole milk, and dairy products in general,


* Relax, do yoga , meditation, diet during this period.

Concentrate on what you are actually doing , particularly during meals, to eat slowly. Get down early to be fit in the morning.


Structure your meals and be firm on the quantities . Food impulses come from the brain but you can absolutely control, thanks to your yoga and meditation.

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