All information about the diet of dates and milk

informations-sur-le-regime-alimentaire-des-dattes-et-du-laitIn this article we offer to those who follow our site« Naturel Diet »  the wonderful scheme of dates and milk, which can help lose unwanted weight quickly to all who wish / want a thinner appearance someday soon. Where he could lose the body of 3-4 kilos in one week. And can be spaced intervals are repeated to adjust the weight and maintain the agility of the organization.

Who among us does not love all kinds of special dates, when combined with milk, it is in this case reminds us of the holy month of Ramadan, which was considered a ritual rituals. And diet of dates and milk is a simple and extremely easy and can be considered a fast diet program plan, where it contributes to significant weight loss in a short period. Continue reading “All information about the diet of dates and milk”