Plan to eliminate butt buttocks in 5 days

regime-naturel-regime-fessesDo you suffer from the accumulation of fat around the buttocks area? Do you lose confidence in yourself because of the large size of your butt? Have you tried diets, but in vain? As you read this article to know the reasons for the accumulation of fat around the buttocks and disposal methods.

Reason to be fat in the buttocks:

There are several reasons leading to des’accumulée fat in the buttocks area, including:

  • Sit for long periods of time due to the nature of work.
  • maldebout position.
  • Eating too much sugar and fat.
  • The percentage of fat in the buttocks area of women, because of the high level of the hormone estrogen.

How to get rid of the accumulated fat around the buttocks area:

To get rid of the accumulated fat around the buttocks area:

  • Follow some dietary advice.
  • Exercise which works to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Stop the practice of bad habits which increases the fat in the buttocks area.regime-naturel-regime-fesses1

Foods that help to get rid of fat buttocks:


Berries, grapefruit and oranges foods that help you lose weight saluting recommended by the American Council for weight loss, and containing fruit on the percentage of sugars that the body needs and will lead to a gain weight.


The American Council recommends to lose weight, eat some vegetables like spinach and artichokes and green beans These vegetables contain a high proportion of fibers and contribute to slimming buttocks.

 Foods without gresses materials:

Eating fat-free foods helps slimming buttocks, and include:

  • Red meat, fat.
  • Skinless Chicken
  • Some types of fish, such as salmon.

  Do not deprive yourself of fat:

From Harvard University Public Health recommends eating healthy fats such as:

– Nuts.

– Olive oil.

4 steps to get rid of the buttocks without resorting to food:

    The first step:

There are some reasons that operate on the accumulation of fat in the buttocks area, you should avoid these reasons, prevention is better than cure, if the nature of your business depends sitting for long periods of time you need to do few steps to activate the muscles of the buttocks, such as:

  • Assenede stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Put your car in a remote location.

    The step second:

Pressure on the buttocks area, pressure on the buttocks area several times a day helps to lose weight, then do this exercise while watching TV or while sitting at your desk.

    The step third:

Some exercises help slimming buttocks among the most important of these exercises:

  • Squatting butt slimming aid because it reduces the incidence of pain in the lower back and knees.

Put your hands and knees on the floor, and the lifting of hands and the man in front of her, this exercise focus on slimming buttocks and lower back pain.

The step Four:

Using dumbbells, where he works on building the muscles of the buttocks.


The risk of fat accumulation in the area of health buttocks:

More things that bother people who are suffering from an accumulation of fat around the buttocks area is the external appearance, do not have the consistency of the body leads to a feeling of discomfort, and reduced confidence.

Causes accumulation of fat on the buttocks:

  • Inflammation of the joints.
  • Pain in the knee joint.

In addition to other risks of obesity include:

  • Increase the chances of heart disease.
  • Increase the chances of developing high blood pressure.
  • Increase the chances of developing diabetes.

Ultimately, we can summarize the system regime buttocks at several points, including:

Drink water:

  • Drinking between 8-12 glasses of water a day to work on losing weight easily, also maintains the freshness of your skin
  • Carbohydrates carefully monitored.
  • can eat one third of your meal of carbohydrates, but be careful with the type of carbohydrates, and make sure to eat carbohydrates useful.
  • Avoid fried foods as it works to increase the accumulation fat in the buttocks area.
  • Remove the fat from the meat and skin of disarmament chicken before eating.

You diet for slimming buttocks:regime-naturel-regime-fesses3

  • Breakfast: a brown slice of bread + boiled egg or piece of skim cheese
  • . Meals: a brown rice ½ cup of cooked + quarter skinless chicken or a piece of meat or half a kilo of grilled fish without fat or a can of tuna in oil refinery + vegetable dish
  • After two hours of food.. fruit fruits
  • dinner: yogurt cup. Vegetables can be eaten between meals when you are hungry.

Then you some simple steps to get rid of the fat around the buttocks .. And remember that prevention is better than cure.5786454654

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