Man weighing 210 pounds loses a third of his weight by changing a habit in his diet

Man weighing 210 pounds loses a third of his weight by changing a habit in his diet

Believe it or not, making vegetable juices is a controversial topic among health conscious people. Some people think the juices are amazing, explaining how good it is. These people say that juices help the body to detoxify and receive the nutrients it lacks.

This is particularly interesting for those who do not want to consume enough fresh produce in the day to have all their nutrients. It also allows you to combine different ingredients, making it easier to reach the recommended daily intake.

However, others argue that juices are not good for health

Brandon Kolar is a personal coach and nutritionist in Boston. He belongs to the second group. Although he believes that juices are a great way to get antioxidants and make tasty concoctions, he explains that people who prefer juices have a body that does not work as well. It combines juices with problems of muscle mass, metabolism and lack of fiber. (1)

If you say that to Adam Harding-Jones, a 48-year-old English man, he’s sure he’ll ask you not to believe these last arguments.

“I feel much younger,” says the man who lost 70 kilos.

The juices have changed his life and it’s a little bit like saying he’s grateful for all the improvements he’s made to his health. Harding-Jones weighed 210 kilos and managed to lose 70 kilos in a year, thanks to his diet of fresh vegetable juice.

It is the world famous documentary “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” and his diagnosis of kidney failure that motivated him and he decided to change his eating habits without regret. (2)

"In recent years, I felt very bad and much older than my age," he explains. "But now, I feel so much younger. I do a lot of things that I never thought I could do before. I feel very good and when I think how sick I was and how bad I feel, I never want to go back. »(2)

Harding-Jones wore size 5XL shirts and enjoyed two McDonald's breakfasts each day. He was 142 centimeters tall and his family was very worried about him eating all that junk food and about his health in general. Despite all that, he continued to eat kebabs before going to bed and he ate chocolate all day long. He had complications related to diabetes and kidney problems.

"I knew I was on a slippery slope. My body gave me a warning, "he adds. "I felt bad permanently. I felt condemned. »(2)

Fortunately, it changed when he watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". He then became aware of how junk food affects health and decided to lead a healthier life. He stopped eating unhealthy foods and began to enjoy fresh juices of fruits and vegetables.

Juice, weight loss and fitness

And now?

He lost 70 kilos and regularly participates in various sporting events. He is a member of sports and cycling clubs and has also completed a 13 km team obstacle course. He is also competing in a 160km race in Wales and several semi-marathons.

Adam Harding-Jones drinks healthy homemade juices for breakfast and lunch. At dinner time, Adams eats fish and vegetables instead of fried sausages as he did before.

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