How to lose weight and lose belly fat easily

regime-ventre-plat-alimentationHere’s a detailed explanation for all those who are wondering how to lose weight and lose belly fat easily in order to improve their figure or their health.
Please note, visceral fat are among the hardest to remove, so you have to take your courage in two hands and carefully follow the advice I’ll give you here.
For the others, we’ll start by talking about power, then we will also see the good habits and especially bad on which we will have to make a cross! Finally you will learn to choose the right exercises. I’ll also talk about some myths about weight loss, it is imperative that you know, or risk losing your motivation within weeks and even days …

Did I tell you that it was necessary to deprive you? No, quite the contrary! To make war on your body fat, you must first manage to stay upright! And for that, nothing like a rich and balanced diet! For that here are 11 foods you should consume daily.
1 / Spinach and other greens
They fight against aging, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity and heart disease.
2 / Poor fat dairy products
They forge strong bones and can boost your weight loss. They also fight against cancer and blood pressure problems.
3 / Almonds and other nuts
They decrease the feeling of hunger, they are full of essential fatty acids and struggling against the loss of muscle.
4 / beans and other vegetables
They help your digestion and help you to build muscle while fighting against obesity, heart disease and colon cancer.
5 / oatmeal
They will give you more energy and reduce your cholesterol. They also help maintain normal levels of sugar in your blood, they are highly recommended.
6 / Eggs
Obviously, anyone wishing to stand on his feet, build muscle or burn fat must be consumed regularly.
7 / turkey and other white meat
A protein source to be reckoned with, they help your immune system and fight against obesity.
8 / breads and whole grains
Like the oatmeal they help to fight against fat storage in your abdomen.
9 / Olive oil
Choose extra virgin olive oil, the latter strengthens the immune system and helps reduce cholesterol.
10 / Peanut butter
Packed with essential fatty acids helps lower cholesterol levels and muscle loss – Warning to consume only products without carbohydrates.
11 / Raspberries and other berries
Excellent for the view, for your heart and your memory. They also help fight against obesity.
• In every meal you should consume 2 or 3 of these foods.
• Your snack should contain at least one of these foods or at least some protein foods.
• In order to have a balanced meal, you should consume the following three types of macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
• The Paleolithic diet and the diet based on low glycemic index are also 2 great ways to feed. In fact, this diet is based on the functioning of your body.

The good news is that what you see is not very complicated to master. However, the most difficult for most of you is to master you YOU yourself while staying motivated and replacing bad habits with good ones. Here are some tips that you can apply today:
1 / Do NOT miss breakfast! If you want to succeed in your goal, eat of (oatmeal for example) to start the day. And please, do yourself a favor and avoid shooting yourself in the foot by jumping this meal the most important risk you overeat at subsequent meals.
2 / Stop drinking supermarket fruit juices as they are often too sweet and unnatural.
3 / Stop fast food, really, that’s the worst thing you can do to your body and your health.
4 / Stop cookies, muffins and other treats, no matter the situation.
5 / Choose your fruits and vegetables by relying on their glycemic index, the more they will lower the better it will be for you.
6 / Try to incorporate into your dinner of lettuce or other greens because they have a high satiating power and have very few calories.
7 / Do not wait until thirsty to drink, keep a bottle of water nearby (for those who have thought about alcohol … read on).
8 / Alcohol is a big problem therefore also try to pass on to lower your calorie counter.
Sorry, but a magic method to lose weight without sweating a minimum unfortunately does not exist to date. Furthermore, fat loss is a slow process that may even stagnate. You must be patient and continue your efforts. Continue to eat balanced and daily physical activity.
The solutions are many and you are spoiled for choice. Some researchers aerobic activity (eg jogging) is recommended because it burns more calories. And according to other studies, strength training is more intense also proves extremely effective to have a beautiful silhouette.
The key to successfully lose belly fat is to practice both, it’s as simple as that. It is no longer recommended because another exercise fat loss does not target if it is a general process. Moreover, it is quite possible to do exercises targeting the abdominal area and start losing fat in the thighs or arms levels.

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