How to lose belly fat?

regime-naturel-Perdre-du-ventre-rapidementLosing belly is often the first request of my clients, the second being to lose weight overall. If you want a quick result and get a flat stomach then it will act at all levels: lose weight overall, improve your diet to better digest and exercise to refine and firm size.

If you apply all these measures, you can reach a size in a short time and regain a flat stomach.

First act on food:

If you are overweight victim, you will lose weight by diet and by adopting subsequently a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. By losing weight you will lose fat everywhere and of course in the stomach.

Part of centimeters too can come from a swollen belly. The presence of gas due to bad habits or fermentation from poor digestion of food is often the cause of a swollen belly. To chafe this problem and deflate the stomach, follow a few simple dietary advice in order to improve digestion :


• Take your time table and chew well. Eating quickly is bad for digestion.

• Eat at regular times.

• Avoid heavy meals, spicy or too salty, coffee, soft drinks and sodas, chewing gum and cigarettes.

• Eat your cooked vegetables, more digestible and avoid certain foods such as beans, cabbage … Do not eat too much fiber because they can irritate the intestines and cause bloating.

• Avoid stress and frustrations that act negatively on the welfare tract.

• Think of the activated carbon. It is used to relieve intestinal disorders such as bloating and flatulence. The thistle is active in capsules and is in the supermarket or pharmacy.

• Probiotics also have the reputation to fight against digestive disorders and improve the intestinal flora. However, consume them in moderation because they can also disrupt and addictive. When stopped the regular intake of probiotic intestinal problems could appear.

Ripped Abs:

Do abdominal do not lose weight. Many people waste their time making tons of strength training exercises for the abdominal hoping to lose their belly. They leave pretty quickly because results are rarely the appointment.

Do abdominal do not make you lose the fat on your stomach because you can not lose weight locally. However, this will reshape your body and lose centimeters in waist circumference.

Above all, we must get out of a sedentary lifestyle and sports to burn up calories. To do this, choose an activity that you like and practice it regularly. Physical activity in addition to a balanced diet is the perfect solution to lose her curves and especially her stomach.

So be it running, walking, biking or group fitness classes, whatever, the important thing is to move.

Of course it will do some exercise for the abdominal muscles and have a flatter stomach.


The abdominal muscles are formed by several, some visible: the rectus (chocolate bar), obliques (on the side of the bust) and other hidden as transverse, a deep muscle of the abdomen. This is often forgotten in the training of the abdominal muscles for the most visible, yet it plays a fundamental role in the fact to get and keep a flat stomach.

For abdominal concrete, here are two videos showing the exercises to do. The first can be applied if you are new, the second is more full-bodied but really effective to have good abs.

The famous video of “8 minutes Abs” that everyone talks about on the internet. In just 8 minutes, you will build your abs of steel and regain a firm stomach.

The transverse abdominal belt and keeps the trunk. It’s a muscle is used when you enter the stomach. The goal is to beef up the cross to make the flat, firm stomach. For the year, we must pull your stomach for about twenty seconds.

sheathing exercises are also interesting to have a flat stomach. The sheathing abdominal solicits many core muscles and helps prevent back pain in addition to having a flatter stomach.

Last tip to avoid getting back pain: never tuck your feet under furniture or other and go well there gradually by controlling your breathing.

The skin that falls on the stomach:

Only downside, if you have been obese and have lost a lot of weight quickly, it may be that your skin falls. In this case, even if the above measures necks will lose weight and waist measurements, excess skin it will not disappear.

To address this lack of acceptance, it will look on the side of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery (abdominal plasty tummy tuck or belly). It is not an admission of impotence, but the tummy tuck may be the only solution if you have the stomach completely crumpled and skin falls.

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