How much do you really need to walk to lose weight

How much do you really need to walk to lose weight

Walking is the simplest exercise to do and the least restrictive. It allows you to lose 500g per week or more, depending on the frequency of the walk. Without dieting or subscribing to the gym you can lose up to 10 pounds in 5 months. Walking will tone up your muscles, improve your health and make you lose weight by integrating easily into your daily activities.

Learn how to lose weight while walking

The number of calories burned while walking depends on the weight of the body and the place. Walking at 6 km per hour (normal speed) you lose 400 calories per hour. By increasing the walking distance by 5 km you will burn 300 more calories. By adjusting your speed with a pedometer you will control the distance traveled and calories burned.

Pedometer and weight loss

The pedometer is a very useful gadget that will help you optimize your walking to lose weight. He is hanging on your clothes at the hip. It will calculate the distance you travel during exercise and throughout the day.

To calculate the extra distance to walk in order to lose weight it is necessary to calculate the basic activity and increase it, to burn more calories. We will calculate the number of steps per kilometer base and try to increase it to increase calories burned.

Number of steps needed to lose weight

The pedometer calculates the number of steps per kilometer, the calories burned per kilometer, and the number of kilometers traveled per day. For example:

1.5 km = 100 calories burned and 2000 steps

500 g = 3500 calories

Lose the weight of 500 g per week = 500 calories a day

You have to do 10,000 steps a day to lose 500g a week.

Keep interest for walking

In order not to stop walking, you need to find a way to make it more interesting and therefore continue to do so. We offer some tips for this:

Take new paths each time.
Visit different gardens, parks, new neighborhoods, accompanied by music.
In winter, help yourself with a treadmill and walk inside warm.
Invite a friend to join you to break the routine of lonely walking.
The following tips will help you adjust the pace when you have a busy day:

Get off the bus further and walk on foot.
Park the car a little further and continue walking.
Do not take the elevator, and prefer the stairs.
Take the children to school on foot.
Walking style

Adopt a good right posture tighten your glutes, and pull your abdomen towards your spine. Keep your chin up. This style of walking is optimal.

How to walk more often

Start walking 3 days a week, 15 to 20 minutes. You will then increase the frequency until you reach 60 minutes of walking, every day of the week.

This simple exercise will make you healthy, toned and you will lose weight without dieting.

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