Foods that melt fat

regime-naturel-Aliments-qui-font-fondre-la-graisseThese elements will help you burn more fat and lose weight more easily. Both low in calories, high in fiber and protein, they also increase your metabolism.

inimitable flavor and creamy texture, bananas are rich in carbohydrates and brings slightly more calories than other fruits (about 105 for a medium banana). These calories are however almost completely devoid of fat.

Bananas are an ideal food for people looking to maintain a healthy weight through a healthy diet, while providing enough energy body for exercise and daily activities.
Potassium they contain (more effective for the control of high pressure that a low-salt diet, the researchers found) may be enough to cover the daily requirements.
The famous and delicious yellow fruits are bursting with magnesium, a mineral that allows it also to regulate blood pressure.

Moreover, unlike other fruits that are generally a poor source of vitamin B6, bananas can cover more than 30% of the recommended daily intake in one portion. Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in the immune system and recent studies have shown that it also plays a protective role against cardiovascular diseases.

Finally, thanks to its content of fiber and antioxidants, banana also helps prevent the risk of diabetes, obesity and some cancers.
It is also a good source of vitamin C.

Besides being extraordinarily nutritious, bananas are one of the most easily digestible food: its fibers are in fact divided into cellulosic materials (accelerated intestinal transit) and pectic substances (involved in regulating transit) this explains the absence of irritation to the intestines.

Walnuts and almonds:
In addition to having a beneficial effect on mood, walnuts may help eliminate abdominal fat. In a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine 1200 adult subjects in the first group were following the Mediterranean diet in addition to consuming 30g of nuts a day, those of the second followed the same diet but took 1 liter olive oil per week; the third group served as a control group.
Walnuts and other nuts have positive effects, however, not to consume too long. These effects are due to their fiber content, protein and good fats, thought they could increase the sensitivity of the body to insulin and thus contribute to weight loss.


We know that salmon is not only good for the mood, but also helps promote weight loss. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, “although we do not know the exact mechanisms, we found that omega-3 reduced fat mass,” says Irne Mounro, a researcher at the University of Newcastle ( Australia). In other studies, it was found that omega-3 filled up the appetite and continued to fill two hours after eating fish that were rich. Whenever possible, eat salmon or other fatty fish, eg mackerel, herring or canned tuna, at least twice a week.

Oats and barley:

Taking barley as a side dish instead of white rice, you could help eliminate your abdominal fat. That at least is the conclusion of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The subjects in the plan were instructed either to avoid whole grains, or take their grain servings as whole grains (whole wheat bread, oats, barley, brown rice) for 12 weeks. Although both groups had lost the same amount of weight, those who consumed whole grains were able to eliminate more abdominal fat. Be sure to take at least three servings of whole grains daily.

Apple, pear and sweet pepper:

These three foods have in common is rich in flavonoids, chemicals occurring naturally in plant foods that could bring an action on fat. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who consumed the highest amount of flavonoids saw their body mass index increase significantly less over 14 years than those who ate less. It has been shown in animal studies that these flavonoids increased energy expenditure (thus calories) and glucose uptake by muscles, and allowed to burn more fat, says Laura Hughes, MSc, principal investigator of the study and a nutritional epidemiologist at the University Maastricht (Netherlands). The onion, leek and green and white tea also contain flavonoids.

Green tea:
According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, green tea can eliminate abdominal fat if made as walking. Subjects received either a beverage containing catechins, powerful antioxidants of green tea, a drink not understanding. All were also 180 minutes of exercise per week, especially walking. After 12 weeks, the subjects of the first group had lost 7.4% of abdominal fat more than the second group.
«Catechins accelerate metabolism and the rate at which the body burns its fat,» said Kevin C. Maki, author of the study. To achieve similar results, you should drink four to six cups of green tea a day and not decaffeinated do at least 180 minutes of exercise per week.

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