Date the healthiest fruit that can cure many diseases

Date the healthiest fruit that can cure many diseases

Dates are abundant in fiber that are essential for good digestion.

Their high natural sugar content is what makes dates an excellent alternative to regular sugar. In addition to being easily metabolized, they are also satisfying and satisfy hunger. Rich in nutrients, dates are an excellent choice of fruits for children and adults. In addition, dates are extremely beneficial for the treatment of various conditions and diseases such as anemia, high cholesterol, and even cancer.

Rich in iron

Dates are very effective in treating anemia because they are a rich source of iron. 100 g of dates contain about 0.90 g of iron, which is about 11% of the recommended daily intake. And, iron plays a vital role in the transfer of oxygen into the blood. Generally, teenagers and pregnant women are the groups that need more iron.

Abundant in eye vitamins

Due to the fact that dates contain lutein and zeaxanthin, they are often referred to as “eye vitamins”. Lutein and zeaxanthin are known to be very beneficial to the retina and macula of the eye, as they improve eyesight and prevent any possible damage to the macula, which deteriorates with age. If you want to improve your sight, you should eat more dates.

Treat diarrhea

In addition, dates contain calcium, an important mineral for the treatment of diarrhea. In addition, dates can do wonders for the renewal of intestinal flora. Regular consumption of dates stimulates the proliferation of good bacteria in the intestines.

Reduce constipation

Just as dates can help fight diarrhea, they also stimulate good digestion and eliminate toxins from the body. If you suffer from constipation, you should leave some dates in a glass of water overnight. During the night, the dates will release their juice which is an excellent laxative, and will promote the intestinal function. And that’s not all; dates also stimulate the metabolism because they have a high fiber content – 100 g of dates contain 8.5 g of fiber.

Facilitate childbirth

According to an experiment conducted at the Jordan University of Science and Technology, regular consumption of dates from 4 weeks before the due date can relieve pain and reduce bleeding. The study showed that women who consumed dates had a much easier delivery compared to women who did not eat this fruit. In addition, dates help women overcome postpartum depression more easily and produce enough milk for the baby.

Regulate the weight

Dates give a feeling of fullness and really stimulate weight loss because of the many nutrients they contain. Eating a date on an empty stomach will not only regulate the work of your intestines, but also your blood sugar level. But, keep in mind that even though dates do not contain cholesterol, they contain a lot of sugar, so excessive consumption would lead to weight gain instead (1 kg of dates contain 3000 calories).

Strengthen the heart

Dates have also shown to be beneficial for heart disease so people with fragile hearts are advised to consume dates on a regular basis. Leave some dates in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, mix dates and water. You can drink several times during the day.

Reduce hypertension

Although dates contain a little sodium, they are very abundant in calcium. A portion of 5-6 dates contains nearly 80 mg of magnesium, a mineral essential for the dilation of blood vessels. According to research, 370 mg of magnesium a day can effectively reduce blood pressure.

Stroke prevention

Thanks to its high potassium content, this amazing fruit is beneficial to maintain a healthy nervous system. According to studies, the risk of stroke can be reduced by up to 40% with sufficient potassium intake (about 400 mg per day).

Food for the brain

In addition, dates contain phosphorus, which is great for the brain.

Perfect stimulant

To stimulate energy optimally, combine dates and almonds as this will help you get the maximum amount of natural sugars that this fruit contains (including glucose, sucrose and fructose).

Increase libido

For an increased libido, soak a few dates in a little almond milk and leave them all night. In the morning, mix the fruits and the almond milk, add honey and cardamom (spice) and drink this drink. This combination is just as positive for men as it is for women because it strengthens the body and increases the energy level.

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