9 tips for not grow

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-ne-pas-grossir-du-ventre1) I give myself a real little pleasure. No banned, it depresses! Cheese, chocolate, or you miss the sausage? Rather than letting up frustration. give yourself a moment of pure tasting: buy top quality, set the scene and enhance your enjoyment food, breathe and eat 3 times. Close your eyes, concentrate 100% on the sensations. Let your taste buds absorb flavors, texture and wait one minute before swallowing. Let the pleasure invade you, to the brain, but do not you resservez.

2) I rehabilitates my brain frustrations. For banana before his braised endive and steam fish, do you make a film, so TV spot: choose a good mood music (always the same for the brain prints), choose a beautiful iconic object (pretty plate carafe …) of your new way of eating. Hum, smile … Repeat and repeat … Be confident in the long term, it is you who will win! By dint of repeating the staging, once the endive arrive, your body will start to secrete endorphins, hormones of pleasure. Easy either. Continue reading “9 tips for not grow”

The dietary supplement for a natural diet

regime-naturel-boissons-hiverYou want to develop your muscle mass and sculpt your body while burning fat; Or rather to refine your line losing a few kilos; Or improve your sports performance by compensating for carbohydrate and vitamin losses of the intense effort; Or simply to boost your immune system and pep you up this winter to fight against small common diseases and stay fit; Here is a solution to help you find the supplement for you.

complement-alimentaire-pour-regime-naturel-bruleur-de-graisseThere are all kinds of dietary supplements to speed up the process of losing weight and building muscle mass and optimize athletic performance. Most of these products are to choose according to your physical activity and are usually reserved for men. This kind of supplement is generally prepared herbal, vitamins and minerals and promotes testosterone production, maximizes muscle growth, increases physical strength, limit fat storage and increases the strength and endurance of the body. Ideal for intensive sport. This type of product is often associated with a dietary supplement high protein to maximize muscle development, improve endurance and recovery. Continue reading “The dietary supplement for a natural diet”

Natural diet The Zone

Bewusst geniessenThe natural diet the Zone or diet of middle is unquestionably diet trendy of this new century, adopted by the vast majority of stars American (Brad Pitt, Demi Moore, Cindy Crawford …) Discover the secrets of this method.

Developed in 1995 by a Barry Sears, a former researcher at the prestigious MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), The Zone diet has the wind in its sails. The book by B. Sears, “Enter the Zone diet,” was published in different languages. In France, now it is found in paperback under the title “ The regime Stars “. Continue reading “Natural diet The Zone”

10 tips and effective slimming tips

  1. For dessert, take an apple :

regime-naturel-boulimie-de-jogging2Why the apple fruit and not another? Just because Apple is THE fruit of life. It is rich in blessings and protection of certain cardiovascular diseases, in summary, this is a kind of “natural remedy” clearly put forward by the quote: “An apple a day keeps doctor everything.” Furthermore, it limits the absorption of fats and cholesterol in the intestine, and is extremely rich in fiber (about 4g per apple), which facilitates the transit. In conclusion, when you eat an apple for dessert you eliminate more fat. Continue reading “10 tips and effective slimming tips”

How to weight loss fast hips?

regime-naturel-maigrir-hanchesHips are a fat storage area. Some, of course, more fat in this location than others. It is a matter of morphology, as with everything, there are women who store more in one place than another. So it’s a natural thing but that can be a problem for some people wishing to have thinner hips.

Yet much to say right now, there is no miracle solution to slim hips or a particular part of the body. There is, against few tips that will help you gradually reach your goal. Forget miracle creams, you’ll have to make some efforts. Continue reading “How to weight loss fast hips?”

7 Drinks to get a tight belly, do not believe their effectiveness

regime-naturel-7-boisson-ventre-plat-et-serreMany people suffer from the tuck and the inability to continue the grueling sporting exercises.
Let’s first do not remove the need to practice sport to get a tight stomach, but these drinks will help you save time with that they belong to a range of refreshing drinks and delicious helpful.

Here is the list of drinks to get a flat stomach Continue reading “7 Drinks to get a tight belly, do not believe their effectiveness”

The causes of unexpected weight gain

regime-naturel-les-causes-de-prise-de-poids-inattendueWhen talking about overweight that comes to mind overeating, overeating sweets and chocolates or eating before going to sleep, but in fact there are not related to food originally reasons.

Not eating enough food:

Surprise this may cause, but you say have the opposite effect of what hoped. While the food supply interrupted in your body, which decreases the metabolism so that stored energy, and will not get rid of extra kilos as hoped. Worse, it will be just what you eat fat shot for fear of collapse. Continue reading “The causes of unexpected weight gain”

Tips to tighten skin after weight loss

regime-naturel-conseils-resserrer-la-peau-apres-une-perte-de-poidsMany plans use to shed excess kilos, for health or beauty reasons, but the joy of weight loss and return to the appearance of the thin spoiled some problems including sagging skin because of the weight change but do not worry because there are ways which helps to tighten the skin.

Here are some simple tips to flatten the skin and get rid of sagging skin;

Continue reading “Tips to tighten skin after weight loss”

Grenadine fruit reduces the size of fat circulating around the stomach

regime-naturel-grenade-reduit-taille-graisse-circulant-autour-estomacA recent study by a team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh as Fruit Granada has the ability to reduce fat stored around the stomach.
Grenadine Fruit helps get rid of fat and reduces the likelihood of obesity and growth of fat cells around their bellies, and helps to reduce the acid in the blood and tissues fat known as the “ Neva
“, and lowers low blood pressure, preventing stroke, heart attack and stroke and kidney disease. Continue reading “Grenadine fruit reduces the size of fat circulating around the stomach”