7 reasons to eat cinnamon and honey

7 reasons to eat cinnamon and honey

Honey and cinnamon is an excellent mixture to fight against multiple diseases, and even against the cold. This fusion is one of the most interesting for health and has been used in alternative medicine for many years.

It is a combination that can be consumed in different forms. Some people prefer it as an infusion, others for example combine the enzymes of honey with the essential oils of cinnamon and thus obtain a small wonder, miraculous for health. Learn more in this article!

The benefits of this mixture:

It gives good breath

You may have noticed lately that chewing gum manufacturers, even those that are mint-flavored, add cinnamon to some of their ranges. The factories of this type of product are well aware of the virtues of cinnamon. But, here, we will teach you how to prepare your natural mouthwash yourself with this exceptional ingredient.

Preparing the mouthwash:

Mix a spoon of cinnamon and a spoon of honey in a glass containing hot water. Mix well and your mouthwash is ready! This helps to remedy bad breath and thus makes you more confident.

It promotes weight loss

Another important thing to remember about honey and cinnamon is that it helps you lose weight. Every morning, 30 minutes before your breakfast, take a glass of hot water with a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cinnamon powder. In the evening before bed, do the same until you realize that you have lost weight. If you take this preparation regularly, it will prevent fat from accumulating in your body. Remember that it is extremely important to combine this with a balanced diet and physical activity (minimum 30 minutes a day).

It clears up acne

Honey and cinnamon can also effectively fight the appearance of pimples and blackheads on your skin. As you know, honey is one of the best natural skin masks and cinnamon is very well known for its antioxidant properties.

Mix three spoons of honey with a spoon of cinnamon powder, and apply this potion on your button or blackhead, preferably before sleeping. The next day, rinse well with warm water. You can repeat this until the small blemishes on your skin are completely gone.

It slows the aging of the skin

If you are a lover of eternal youth, this will interest you. The honey-cinnamon mixture reduces the damage caused over time in the tissues. To do this, mix three cups of water, a spoon of cinnamon and four spoons of honey. If possible, use boiled water beforehand in your preparation. Take a quarter cup of this wonderful infusion three to four times a day.

It fights against cholesterol

This combination, very rich in antioxidants, is a good remedy for cholesterol. In a glass, pour two spoons of honey, three spoons of cinnamon, add water and mix. Drink this at least three times a day; if possible, before each meal.

It relieves colds

Honey is made up of nutrients that help kill germs and viruses that cause flu and colds. Consuming it when you are already sick or as a simple prevention helps to fight against these small ailments.

It improves digestion

Finally, it should not be forgotten that this amazing mixture can help you improve your digestion. Before each meal, take a spoon of honey mixed with cinnamon powder and you will see that it will help reduce the acidity in your digestive system.

We hope these little tips and tricks will help. Remember that if you feel good about your body, you will only be more beautiful. Take advantage of the multiple virtues of honey and cinnamon.

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