5 infusions to cleanse the kidneys, lungs, colon, liver and lymph

5 infusions to cleanse the kidneys, lungs, colon, liver and lymph

The infusions you will discover will help you cleanse your body and stimulate your organs to get rid of various toxins, such as pollutants, fat that accumulates in tissues, excess minerals and heavy metals.

The liver contributes to the elimination of toxic and metabolic waste, the colon is a part of the digestive system which eliminates toxins and the kidneys regularly pump urine to eliminate metabolic waste.

Infusion to cleanse the kidneys (1 liter)

This infusion cleanses the kidneys, nourishes the urinary tract and stimulates lymph circulation which helps prevent infections. Do not use this infusion if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

2 tablespoons dried dandelion leaves (or 4 tbsp fresh dandelion leaves)
1 tablespoon dried parsley (or 2 tbsp fresh parsley)
1 teaspoon of dried red clover flowers
Of honey

Mix the plants in a 1 liter glass jar. Fill the jar with boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. The infusion will be bitter, so add honey. Drink 2 to 3 hot cups a day.

Infusion to clean the lungs (3 cups)

This herbal tea is effective in relieving congestion of the respiratory tract, colds and bronchitis. It soothes irritated bronchi and clears excess mucus from the lungs.

1 tablespoon mullein flowers
1 tablespoon peppermint
1 tablespoon licorice root (optional)

In three cups of water simmer the licorice root for about 10 minutes. Add the peppermint and mullein and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Infusion to cleanse the colon (1 liter)

This infusion contains plants that are slightly laxative and bitter to stimulate the digestive system.

2 parts fresh dandelion leaves
2 parts of fresh nettle leaves
2.5 cm fresh ginger, chopped
1 part of rumex root (yellow dock), cut into 2 cm pieces
1 tablespoon licorice root, minced
1 liter of boiling water
Of honey

Chop the fresh plants. Add the rumex root, licorice root and ginger. Pour the boiling water, cover the pan and let it steep for 15-20 minutes. The drink has a bitter taste, so add honey and drink 3 to 5 hot cups a day of this infusion for up to three days.

Infusion to cleanse the liver (3 cups)

Milk thistle seeds are considered a powerful liver cleanser. They contain phytochemicals that stimulate the secretion of bile from the liver and gallbladder.

1 tbsp milk thistle seeds

Crush the milk thistle seeds into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle. Pour boiling water over the crushed seeds and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Filter the mixture with a colander and discard the seeds. Drink a cup three times a day: twice before a meal and once before going to bed.

Infusion to cleanse the lymph (3 cups)

The lymphatic system is a drainage network of fluids, organs and vessels which are responsible for the elimination of cellular waste and foreign agents such as bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc. Lymph is the fluid that flows through the lymphatic system. The lymph travels through the lymph nodes where they are destroyed.

2 parts of calendula
2 parts of cleavers
1 part mullein

Mix the plants in a glass jar. Fill the jar with boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Drink 2 to 3 cups a day for 2 to 3 weeks.

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