5 calls for help that your body gives you

5 calls for help that your body gives you

We have often learned to ignore these calls for help from our bodies, or to trivialize them as part of our daily lives. I would like to use an expression that my mother often repeated to me: “It is not because your neighbor is jumping down the bridge that you should do the same. In this context, just because most people live with these distress calls without choosing to answer them does not mean that we should personally continue to do the same.

The 5 calls for help your body gives you

  1. You need a stimulant (coffee) to wake up in the morning.
    If it’s hard for you to start the day without the help of a coffee, it’s a first sign of exhaustion. Chances are you’re “burning the candle at both ends”, as they say. By the end of a night’s sleep, we should feel rested and ready for the day. If, on the contrary, you drag your paw towards the coffee maker, it is a sign that the night was not enough to allow you to recover. Caffeine only masks a latent state of exhaustion.
  1. You have “food cravings”, sweet or savory.
    In order for your cells to demand healthy, natural foods, you need to present them first. This is why I often repeat that it is useless to fight against a desire, but rather, that it is urgent to learn to respond to it well. That’s when the cravings start to transform. Having a craving for a green juice to fill a salt rage is quite possible. But you have to practice it!
  2. You would like to eat better, but you are unable to maintain discipline.
    The inability to control what we eat takes root far beyond our will. As far as nutrition is concerned, we are not only poorly informed by most media, but above all, we have little experience in this area. Difficult to start new habits when no one is available to guide us during our first steps. Learning to eat well is like learning to speak a new language. It is about being well accompanied to learn the basics and to soak up it by all possible means.
  3. You feel caught in your thoughts, be it fear or anxiety.
    Who would have believed in the connection between what we eat and what we think? However, the link is direct. Several substances called “excitoxins” (1) are found in modern food. They are irritants for the cells of our nervous system, such as the famous monosodium glutamate (MSG), among others. These substances play on the receptors of our neurons and directly affect our state of mind. A return to a diet rich in unprocessed plant products promotes a peaceful interior state.
  1. You are overweight.
    It’s time to take care of your metabolism. Several factors contribute to the metabolic slowdown; long-term calorie restriction, stimulants, lack of physical activity, continuous stress, denatured foods, etc. Fresh fruits and vegetables, easy to digest and abundant in nutrients promote optimal cellular nutrition and therefore optimize metabolism.

How do you find the momentum to make a change?
Personally, I like to detox.

The term “detox” is currently very much in vogue and used galore. Detox your liver, detox your skin, detox your toes, in short, detox your life. But what is a detox really?

Your body detoxifies (read: eliminates its waste) on a daily basis. Daily, through your skin, your intestines, your kidneys, your lungs, your body eliminates toxins. We can therefore deduce that the body knows how to detoxify and that it does not need our help. When we talk about "doing a detox", we are talking about a time when we choose to promote the natural elimination functions of our organism.

How to encourage these functions? The simplest way is to reduce the entry of toxins by making a few changes to their primary entry source: our diet. In short, there’s nothing more to do - it’s more about removing the barriers that keep work from being maximized in our daily lives. This offers a concrete response to calls for help.
If you feel that a detox would do you good, the summer edition of the Festin Détox begins on Monday, July 7. If you are already a lifelong participant, this is a date! Otherwise, to register,

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