What exactly is an effective exercise for weight loss?

Exercices-hyper-simples-pour-abdos-fessiers-ventre5In this first workouts in fashion and gadgets, sometimes we get caught up in the hype, without knowing the reason behind it. People use words that sound interesting and exciting, but when you ask them to elaborate, they are unable to. It is the same with a workout routine, I saw trainers guide customers into a routine that I do not understand why they used the selection and sequence of exercises they did. Apparently, either. Maybe they saw someone else do it, maybe the drive was a new video developed by the next person with washboard abs. Either way, the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully build an individualized program and were replaced by lack of knowledge and aesthetically appealing physical. These days, it seems as if there is much confusion and debate about what really defines a great workout.
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