Diet and exercise to lose thighs, buttocks and stomach

Programme-exercices-journaliere-pour-maigrir-rapidement8You would like to put you in shorts and jersey to show beautiful slender legs? But you dread the few small extra kilos that had the bad idea to stay there … Fortunately, a few little diet and adapted exercises can help. Discover our special plug thighs …

Your program: EXERCISES

Stand upright, feet parallel, arms at your sides. Flex inspiring and keeping the back straight and arms extended. When your thighs are parallel to the floor, go up in expiring. Do 4 sets of 20 with a minute of downtime between each

Standing aside from the wall, place a hand on it. Lift your leg laterally opposite, that is to say from the wall. Do 6 sets of 30, with one-minute breaks.
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