The main reasons you accumulate belly fat

The main reasons you accumulate belly fat

In this article we explain the main reasons for the accumulation of abdominal fat in women and men.

Belly fat is not at all aesthetic however, getting rid of it permanently is not easy. You have already tried everything, but to no avail, your little belly is still impressive? Before you tackle this problem again, first find out why fat is accumulating on your stomach. Here are the 8 reasons for this very unsightly deposit.

Lack of sleep:
People who do not sleep enough tend to consume more calories and store more fat in the stomach. Lack of sleep lowers the level of the hormone leptin and increases the hormone greline. It is the latter who is responsible for weight gain. Moreover, people who sleep 6 hours a day are more likely to suffer from obesity than people who sleep 7 to 9 hours a day.

Because of their genetic background, some people are genetically predisposed to having a few pounds in their stomachs. So, if in your family, several people have abdominal fat, it is possible that you have some too. Genetics plays an important role, and it will not help your weight loss. FYI, if your fat accumulates around this area, but not at the thighs or buttocks, know that you have the shape of an apple.

You are getting old:
With time, the metabolism slows down, and the cops need fewer calories to function, what’s more, the menopause does not help things. It is during this period that fats accumulate mainly in the abdomen.

The lack of physical exercises:
Abdominal fat is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health problem. To burn it effectively and to maintain an active metabolism, it is more than necessary to exercise by combining cardiovascular and weight training. Scientists have even claimed that intense physical activity allows you to lose weight quickly. So, do sports exercises to get rid of stomach deposits, but also to have good cardiovascular health.

The stress:
The state of stress can cause hormonal changes and thus lead to weight gain. During anxious situations, the adrenal glands are stimulated to secrete hormones, like adrenaline or cortisol. When the level of the latter soars, fat cells grow and form in the body, especially in the abdomen.

Some pathologies can lead to weight gain in the abdomen. So, before doing anything to get rid of them, check with your doctor first to see if you are obese or if you are prediabetic or diabetic.

Overconsumption of alcoholic beverages:
Excess alcoholic beverages have a great influence on weight gain since they contain liquid calories. According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, overconsumption of alcohol is a highly predisposing factor for generating fat in the abdomen.

A bad food habit:
Among the causes of abdominal fat deposition is the diet rich in carbohydrates. Supermarkets are full of products that are not healthy, so it is essential to recognize them. Among the foods pointed out are cold cuts, processed foods, white bread, biscuits, cakes, soft drinks, fried foods, cans … What you need to do is have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but also whole grains, lean meats and water.

You eat bad fats:
In your diet, always favor healthy fats to avoid taking a tummy that is not very aesthetic. Include in your culinary preparations fatty fish, but taken in moderation, avocado, olive oil, walnut oil or sunflower oil.

Nibbling between meals:
To lose fat, avoid nibbling between meals, but most importantly, you must eat 3 meals a day. If hunger is felt in the meantime, bet on water or fruit, but forget candies, cakes, chips and any high-fat food. This will promote the accumulation of fat in the belly.

Do you know that some medications can cause fat accumulation in the abdomen? Among the drugs at risk, there are those for convulsions, diabetes, migraines, disorders of morale, hypertension, hormonal therapy, but also the contraceptive pill. However, their effects vary from one individual to another.

You are demotivated:
Losing abdominal fat involves following a low-calorie and high-fiber diet and engaging in muscle and cardiovascular exercise. If you are motivated enough, you will come to have a flat stomach even if you are genetically predisposed to have belly fat.

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