How to increase the basic metabolism

comment-augmenter-le-metabolisme-de-baseIncrease its basic metabolism by strengthening the muscles thus increasing muscle mass is the ideal sports program to lose weight and keep in shape. Eat complex carbohydrates rather than fat and drink plenty of water are also effective methods to stimulate metabolism.


BMR and weight
Basal metabolism is increased at any age by doing weight training for both men and women. Whatever the age of the sports muscles represent approximately 50% of body weight and are very active metabolically; muscle mass is energy. If you have less muscle mass, metabolism slows necessarily. An 8% increase in basal metabolism was even seen among people aged over 65 who had begun weight training while the natural tendency is slower than 2% per decade after age 40.

weight training program to increase the basal metabolic rate

Increase the basic metabolism
For an objective form and maintenance must undergo training in concentric strength training based on an endurance work in long series with small loads; for example, if the maximum load moved squat is 50kg, you have to make sets of 20 squats 60% of 50kg ie 30kg. To avoid long and tedious calculations it is possible to consult the site a driving load table in bodybuilding to know the mass to move in the desired objective, mass gain, power gain or maintenance.

Metabolic plan

Drink plenty of water to a high metabolism requires a lot of water. A water deprivation is an obstacle to the biochemical activity of the organism.
Do not forget to breakfast in the morning; the body interprets that caloric restriction as a threat. To preserve its reserves it slows its metabolism.
The daily calorie intake must exceed 1200 calories. For the same reason as before there is a shortage of threat to the body. It protects idling and causes the yoyo effect, the result of a restrictive diet.

Guarana, green tea and coffee can also be integrated into a diet to stimulate metabolism because they contain caffeine activates the combustion of lipids that are stored in the body as triglycerides.

Carbohydrates against fat

You have to eat plenty of complex carbohydrates. The organization spends many calories to digest complex carbohydrates which causes an increase in metabolism. Obese often absorb fewer calories than lean. But their organization spends fewer calories because their diet is too fat and too low in carbohydrates, and because they do not make enough meals in 24 hours. By eating more often, increasing the proportion of carbohydrate and lipid lowering, they will have more energy and feel fitter. They absorb more calories and maigriront anyway, because their metabolic rate will be higher.

Eat light at night

It is best to eat light at night. Eating a big meal before bedtime promotes the storage of calories at night. It must still report on the excellent site, the Eating a lot at night makes you fat page, an opposite point of view that it’s not mealtime that promotes weight gain, but the amount of calories taken in one day. We believe that our organization would be better prepared the morning and evening to toast to store hence our preference for rich meals early in the day.

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Increase the basic metabolism
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